The Rotary Club of West Austin is hosting hybrid meetings; in-person at the Casa Chapala Restaurant and using Zoom !
Please see our newsletter for additional Zoom meeting details and information about our speaker and program.
Join us at 12pm for the first 3 Thursdays of every month.
Members and guests are welcome to meet in person at Casa Chapala or to participate using Zoom.  The club has invested in equipment to continue the Zoom option for members and guests who either cannot or choose not to attend the meeting in person.  Members and guests who attend the meeting at Casa Chapala will receive an individual bill for the meal if the attendee chooses to either order from the menu or partake of the buffet.
Those who join using the Zoom link may log on as early as 11:50 am to enjoy informal conversation with fellow members.
  The regular meeting starts at 12 noon CST as usual.
Thursday, October 17th, 2024  
In-Person & Zoom
(* Instruction for remote meeting access are found below this meeting announcement)
To Join this Zoom Meeting from a PC or a SmartPhone (click on this link)
Meeting ID: 880 9269 5394
Password: 654381
Or dial the telephone number and enter the access code when prompted:
Phone Number:  1-346-248-7799
Access Code (do not forget to press # at the end): 880 9269 5394#
 Password: 654381
Meeting Location:
Casa Chapala
or the comfort of your own home
11:30am - 12:00pm Arrival, Check-in & Club Fellowship
12:00pm - 01:00pm  Club Meeting
Speaker:  Aubrey Wilson, Kay & Friends
Topic: We are celebrating Aubrey's 100th Birthday!
This is something we have not done for awhile
Pick a table - any table you wish
Learn something about your fellow Rotarians that you did not already know.
Zoomers won't be left out. Mike Wray will bring his iPad and set it up at one of the tables.