Rotary Club of West Austin Annual Holiday Party
Posted by Michael Wyszkowski
on Dec 09, 2013
The Rotary Club of West Austin cordially invites you to our Annual Holiday Party, on Thursday evening, December 12th 2013, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm.
We will meet at the Westwood Country Club, 3808 West 35th Street Austin, TX 78703.
There will be entertainment, greeting music, finger food & hors d'oeuvres buffet, and an ornament exchange.
We ask that each guest brings a gift for the Center for Child Protection; suggested that you bring a sports ball (eg. football, soccer ball, volley ball, etc) or a water bottle (Sigg, Klean, REI, Nalge, Camelbak, etc) as an age appropriate gift.