Join us for our annual West Austin Rotary Shopping Spree with students from Wooldridge Elementary School at JCPenney, Lakeline Mall., on Sunday, December 2nd, 2019, 12-4:30 pm.
This is our signature event, where we take 25 children from Wooldridge Elementary School shopping with Rotarians for the Holiday Season. Rotarians and friends with children of teenage years are encouraged to bring them along as they will have appropriate fashion sense.
We meet at Wooldridge Elementary School at 12:00 noon, then travel with the children to JCPenney at Lakeline Mall in AISD school buses. We shop until 3:30 pm, then enjoy hot chocolate & cookies (provided by JCPenney). We return to Wooldridge for parent pick-up by 4:30 pm.
We will be joined by 8 students from the Anderson High School Spanish Honor Society, and a few students from the Round Rock and Dripping Springs ISDs. These students will help us with the Spanish-only children from Wooldridge Elementary.
Our deepest thanks to the staff at JCPenney who make this a very special afternoon with the children, and a wonderful opportunity to share in the Holiday spirit!
Please contact KC Cerny for more info.